PEXA PropertyX Conference - Get eXcited!

In May we are excited to head to Melbourne to join a group of leading innovators at the PEXA PropertyX Conference to discuss the latest in digital disruption and innovation in the property sector.

We see this as a chance to continue to be at the forefront of the digital transformation in the property sector so that we can provide an unmatched and cutting edge experience to our clients. We strive to continue to grow our digital capability so that we can provide specialist property law advice in Queensland whenever and wherever it is needed.

Our brand of specialist property law advice is designed not only to provide expert property law advice, but also to educate our clients so that they remain in control of their matters and can take away genuine experience from, and value their engagement of, our services. To assist us with this, we adopt and leverage the latest in innovation and technology so that we can deliver second-to-none service as well as ongoing support and learning outcomes for our clients.

At LaBlack Lawyers we aim to:

  • be entirely paperless by 30 June 2019 (we’re relying on, and lobbying, the Government to help us meet this target – we’re at 90% at present);

  • be transacting in a purely digital space across all property matters (from contract to completion) by 30 June 2020;

  • provide access via our secure online portal to educational resources that boost the knowledge and capacity of you and your team; and

  • make you realise that any other service is out of date, inefficient and sub-standard to what is available by embracing innovation and technology.

Importantly, as we travel to Melbourne we will remain fully operational with everything required to maintain our services right at our fingertips –  it is so freeing to be able to work without being bound by office walls.

We will be sure to update you as to our progress – and we promise to never stop innovating – time and technology wait for no one!