2018 - Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce Partnership

This year, we decided to partner with the Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce (GSCC). We have been members of the Chamber since our business started in 2015 and Skye, our Office Manager, has been the Secretary of the Chamber since the middle of 2017. 

In the last two years, the Chamber has contributed greatly to the success of our business and we honestly believe we would not be where we are today without this connection and support network.

For any of our clients who are bringing their businesses into the Greater Springfield area (or opening new businesses), we highly recommend they join the Chamber as a way of connecting with like-minded business people and colleagues.

We hope you like the new specifically-made pull-up banner that will be promoting our firm at every Chamber event this year! (The banner was printed by another Chamber member - A&J Banners and Signs - we think they did a fantastic job!)

Picture of Printed Banner.jpg