Property Law

De-risking DocuSign - thoughts from our team (part 3)

De-risking DocuSign - thoughts from our team (part 3)

Some more of our DocuSign dangers are: 

1. Deeds can’t be signed through DocuSign for a number of reasons which to some extent differ State by State.

2. There are significant difficulties for a company executing documents through DocuSign.

3. It may be difficult to determine whether the parties to the agreement had the requisite intention to be bound. 

Avoiding unintended consequences in s38 PLA Applications

Avoiding unintended consequences in s38 PLA Applications

Orders sought when appointing statutory trustees to sell a disputed jointly-owned property must be carefully worded to avoid unintended consequences and costs. 

3 critical considerations when drafting Section 38 PLA Applications

3 critical considerations when drafting Section 38 PLA Applications

For lawyers in disputed property matters considering a Section 38 Property Law Act application – here are 3 critical considerations prior to making the application to the Court.

2018 QLS Conveyancing Conference - with Simon LaBlack

Simon presenting at the Conveyancing Conference

Earlier this month, Simon presented to the profession at the 2018 QLS Conveyancing Conference.

It was great to see some other Ipswich practitioners and directors in the room as well taking the time to keep up to date with the changes occurring in the Property space.

Simon certainly enjoys his role as a Property Law Specialist particularly when having the honour to address our colleagues and educate them on how Property will be transacted into the future.

With PEXA and Queensland Law Society.